at a glance

Indonesia Halal Market Industry

Over 90% from 220 million Indonesia’s population is Muslim

Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim majority country.  Over 90% of Indonesia’s population is Muslim, and the country is well-positioned to be a hub for Halal products & Services in Southeast Asia.

The State of the Global Islamic Economy Report 2022 reveals that Indonesia ranks fourth in the world in Shariah economy indicators.   In addition, Indonesia is one of the largest consumers of Halal products globally, with 11.34% of global Halal expenditure.

Trends & Future Prospect

Revenue in 2017 (Million)

$4 trillion

The Halal industry in the F&B sector is
predicted to reach nearly $4 trillion by 2028

of the world’s

With around 88.1% of its total Muslim population,
it accounts for 12.7% of the world’s Muslim population and keeps growing.

HIITS | Halal Indonesia International Trade Show

Trade Show & Showcase

Pameran dagang B2B and B2C


Pameran dan Seminar

Talkshow & Seminar

Bincang Dangang dan Seminar

Business Matching

Product Launching dan Pertemuan Bisnis

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